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“Le violon de Jos” presents
Open innovation
for digital fabrication and media
At the crossroads of people, technos and trad

A residency-mediation, in Fab Labs and medialabs spaces, to create a show and its scenography.
Bringing people from different fields together through a cultural experience, in a collective project of discovery and sharing of technologies and traditions.
Technological mediation
With cultural organizations, artists and the public.
Interactive shows
A multimedia scenography that facilitates interaction between performers and the audience.
Unique meshing opportunity
Broadening the horizons through meeting and collaborating with people in the fields of culture, education, technology and traditions.
Creative residency
Enriched with digital technologies and spontaneous collaborations specific to Fab Labs and Medialabs.
Fabs labs and Medialabs
Environments of inventiveness and appropriation of digital manufacturing tools and media technologies.
Scenography kit
Toolbox of devices, instruments, digital plans and software that improves with each StageLab.
Latest news
From the StageLab blog
StageLab: concrete results and projects perspectives
Upcoming shows
Isidore remix
A traditional music cabaret with 6 artists playing together virtually from two different stages and locations (Rimouski and Alma, November 25th, 2021).
Past shows
FAB16 StageLab, Montreal 2021
A poetical and musical multimedia performance created for FAB16 Montréal, the 16th international Fab Lab conference (Montreal, August 2021).
Go at 4:37:12 in the video here to see the show (11 mins length). Go at 3:00:20 to see the Live From Montreal show and learn the Fab Labs evolution across Quebec.
You can access the full text in English here : Voyage infini – Infinite Voyage by Yves Alavo
Rencontres avec l’Être-gigueur
(An encounter with the Jig Dancer)
A solo show by Guillaume Coulombe that showcases the open innovation behind the Jig Dancer.
- October 25th 2021, at Pierrefonds Public Library (in a living exposition mode)
- January 27th 2021, for Communautique (online, as a gift to the team for their wonderful work)
- Decembre 11th 2020, for the Collège Beaubois, in a collaboration with the Pierrefonds Public Library (online, for 3 Robotics and Programmation classes – 9th grade)
- Octobre 13th 2020, for the Montmagny Public Library (living exposition and show)
- Octobre 2nd 2019, for the Montmagny Public Library Fab Lab innauguration
StageLab 0 (zero)
This prototype show was created in four different Fab Labs and medialabs. The multimedia foot percussion board and Jig Dancer were created as a result of the show.
Stage design kit
A shared creative blueprint
The interactive objects and multimedia works integrated into set designs for StageLab shows are made to be reused, rebuilt and transformed. (CC BY SA)
Original props and software
MIDI/USB tap board
Pressure sensors that create visual effects
Software that interprets the MIDI signal as a video
Integrated video animation software
More details on Wikifactory project page
Podorythmic Board software
Rhytm Visuals
Detecting and rendering real time analog input peaks.
- Github project page. See :
- Subfolder Read Resistance (and Read Resistance and Midi) : transform analog signal in Midi and send Left and Right analog (for the Jig Dancer). Can receive Midi signal from afar and transform to analog Left and Right.
- Subfolder DrawPlank : visual rendering and games. Developped with Processing.
Midi Defilator
Lateral or vertical picture defilator with a midi signal. Developped with Processing.
The Jig Dancer
A step-dancing marionette that comes to life when a performer stomps their feet on the tap board
A skirt with an integrated LED string that lights up when its wearer dances
A jukebox mode that lets users choose from five pre-set dances when they contribute to a donation box.
Ideas in the works
Making the Jig Dancer move to live music
Interacting with the audience at a show through multimedia works
Share your ideas with us !