From do-it-yourself to do-it-together…
StageLab is one of many newly emerging spaces where people can assimilate digital fabrication techniques and media production. Known as Fab Labs and medialabs, these spaces are open to the public and let us harness the potential of technologies such as :
- Laser cutting
- Digital milling
- 3D printing
- Special effects management with open-source software (Arduino, Raspberri Pi, Processing, etc.)

By operating within Fab Labs and medialabs to design and improve different stage props, each StageLab cohort can try out technologies while opening themselves to potential collaborations with artists and audiences that are present.
StageLab’s Fab Lab art projects are mutually beneficial opportunities for audiences to (re)discover traditional art forms.
A good way to know more about Fab Labs is to visit one. You can find the one nearest to you by looking at the Quebec Fab Labs map.