Upcoming shows
Isidore remix
A traditional music cabaret with 6 artists playing together virtually from two different stages and locations (Rimouski and Alma, November 25th, 2021).
Past shows
FAB16 StageLab, Montreal 2021
A poetical and musical multimedia performance created for FAB16 Montréal, the 16th international Fab Lab conference (Montreal, August 2021).
Go at 4:37:12 in the video here to see the show (11 mins length). Go at 3:00:20 to see the Live From Montreal show and learn the Fab Labs evolution across Quebec.
You can access the full text in English here : Voyage infini – Infinite Voyage by Yves Alavo
Rencontres avec l’Être-gigueur
(An encounter with the Jig Dancer)
A solo show by Guillaume Coulombe that showcases the open innovation behind the Jig Dancer.
- October 25th 2021, at Pierrefonds Public Library (in a living exposition mode)
- January 27th 2021, for Communautique (online, as a gift to the team for their wonderful work)
- Decembre 11th 2020, for the Collège Beaubois, in a collaboration with the Pierrefonds Public Library (online, for 3 Robotics and Programmation classes – 9th grade)
- Octobre 13th 2020, for the Montmagny Public Library (living exposition and show)
- Octobre 2nd 2019, for the Montmagny Public Library Fab Lab innauguration
StageLab 0 (zero)
This prototype show was created in four different Fab Labs and medialabs. The multimedia foot percussion board and Jig Dancer were created as a result of the show.